Robert Hastings – MUFON Symposium 2016
“UFOs and Nukes: A History and Update” by Robert Hastings
The evidence presented in this lecture makes clear that humans’ deadliest weapons have been, since their development and use during World War II, under intense scrutiny by still-unidentified observers. And the situation is still unfolding: Civilians currently living within various U.S. Air Force nuclear missile fields report UFO incursions near ICBM sites in the very recent past. The basic purpose of my work is public education. Someone possessing tremendously advanced technology has monitored and even tampered with American—and Russian—nuclear weapons for decades. My view is that UFOs are piloted by beings from another world. These stunning, nearly unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts.