
MUFON Symposium 2015 – Linda Zimmermann

For 100 years, residence of New York’s Hudson Valley have been experiencing startling UFO encounters and sightings. From the “Mysterious Airships” of the early 1900s, to “missing time” cases since in the 1920s, to the wave of massive triangles in the 1980s, to fascinating present-day cases, Author Linda Zimmermann’s research points to the possibility that the Hudson Valley may be the most active UFO hot-spot in the United States. Her interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses have uncovered detailed accounts from people of all walks of life, Law-Enforcement, Military Personnel, Pilots, Doctors, Teachers and College Professors, and Elected Officials, all who know they have encountered something that defies conventional explanation. In addition, Linda Zimmermann has recorded numerous multi-generational Abduction / Contact cases, which has led her to refer to the Hudson Valley as “Abduction Alley.” The history of UFO sightings in the Hudson Valley includes every manner of shape and experience and extends for a period of more than a century, making it possibly the number one hot-spot for UFO activity in America.