MUFON Feb 2021-Rebecca Hardcastle
Exo-consciousness is a natural state seeded in our ancient and innate cosmic consciousness. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright emphasizes the significant role of Exo-conscious Humans in our personal and planetary future. She offers nothing less than a solution for stepping outside our limited view of humans and into an expansive and available intelligence and creativity. Throughout the book, she shares her background in psychic experiences and her voyage into the curious artificial world of trans-humanism. A central tenet of the book is that Exo-conscious Humans are essential for the survival and advancement of human consciousness. The author poses two critical questions: 1) are psychic abilities possible in a Trans-human culture and 2) could artificial intelligence (AI) suppress or replace natural human consciousness? A compelling rationale for reading Exo-conscious Humans is the potential impact of AI Trans-humanism on psychic intelligence and abilities. Chapter organization has three sections: (1) Exo-conscious Human, (2) Trans-human, and (3) Common Ground. The book provides an even-handed, formally referenced comparison of Exo-conscious Humans and Trans-humans, describing their perspectives of humans, consciousness, science, and culture. Pre-recorded lecture will be posted soon.