MUFON Cases 138276 138301 . 138294 2/25
Case 138276
A Idaho witness at Boise on Sept 1st at 9:04 pm witnessed what he describes as a large orange glowing ball lifting up off the mountain. At first, he thought that there was just one yet another appears, and then anther and another totaling 9 glowing orb like lights or craft rising a 45 degree angle n the northwest skies. At first he thought that they may have been hot air balloons but the lights were too constant and the sizes did not change as they continued to travel upwards in unison. Take a look at the footage
Case 138301
A Massachusetts witness at Clinton on Sept 4th at 5pm spotted what he describes as a spinning metal shining object. At first glance he thought thatit may have been a balloon, yet the bottom are of what would be the string is far to thick and appears to have changed sizes when traveling. Therefore out ruling the possibilities that it may have been a drop. The witness states that he has never seen anything like this. Let us know in the comments what you believe this to be.
Case 138294
A PA witness at Pittsburgh on Sept 4th 2024 at 7:00 was out walking his dog and spotted a bright white almost tic tac shaped object moving rapidly in the sky. The witness described the object as strange looking and making no noise. Take a look at the footage that was turned into us.