
Matthew Roberts – “Disclosure, the only issue that matters”

I’ll never forget watching the announcement video of the founding of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science. There were all of these people on stage that had worked for the government behind closed doors just as I had, so I was sure of their credibility. As the video began there was a quote on the screen behind the seated panel of these individuals. It was a quote from Mark Twain. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.” On its face it seems like its just some poetic statement about life. But what if I told you that that this is in fact possible; that it is in fact possible to know the true nature of the universe for yourself. It seems like this is a bold statement but this is the case. You don’t need science to explain this to you; you can know it, for yourself and its really not complicated at all. There are people who know this right now. There is a natural process by which you can discover this truth within yourself and I would even go so far as to say that this is what you are supposed to do.

The purpose of interaction with these non human entities is initiatory. It is an initiation into higher consciousness. There is a tearing down and a building up that conditions the mind into a way of thinking and perceiving; thereby allowing you to experience the universal truth for yourself. These initiations occur on a yearly basis. They begin with the autumnal equinox and end in the spring to summer months.