Main Line Mufon with Laird Scranton
Laird Scranton, – The Cosmology of the Dogon. Tuesday, September, 15th, 2015. An independent researcher of ancient cosmology and language, Lairds in-depth look at the ancient indigenous cosmologies from Africa, Egypt, India, China, and Polynesia, has led to an alternative approach to understanding these traditions and their symbolic languages. Armed with a degree in English from Vassar College, interest in Dogon mythology and symbolism & ancient myth, and cosmology, Laird has written numerous books and articles, and made frequent guest appearances on the Documentary Channel, & Coast-to-Coast AM to name a few. Laird Scranton is an independent software designer from Albany, New York For more information about Laird work visit
Host Jennifer Stein interviews Laird for Main Line MUFON.