Main Line MUFON Presents Stephen Redding
Author Stephen Redding: On the Edge of Life and Death, Tuesday March 9th 2010. Stephen Redding radiates unmistakable optimism, faith, and hope for humanities future, a survivor over 14 death-defying experiences, he believes that he was brought back to life to spread his unique optimistic compassion to those who will are ready for a new consciousness. Stephen, garnered much publicity for a hunger strike he conducted in 1980 on behalf of some ancient trees threatened with destruction by an electric utility company. The author of “Something More and More or Less.” Stephen speaks with host Jennifer Stein about his poignant recognition that earthly life is part of a complex fabric of creation many discover only in death, but can be perceived in our life times if we face our problems, conditions, and circumstances, in our life journey with humility and curiosity. Stephen confirms how enlightenment can be achieved.