Kathleen Marden – MUFON Symposium 2016
“UFOs: Two Sides to Every Story” exposes the documented evidence that indicates there has been collusion between government agencies and selected scientists and journalists to hide the evidence that Unconventional Flying Objects are in our skies, under our waters and on our land. It is clear that UFO claims are not considered politically or scientifically acceptable even when there is considerable evidence and credible witnesses. This has been the primary motivating factor behind a massive cover-up that has distorted the public’s understanding of the truth and maligned innocent witnesses. Propagandists with debunking agendas have so distorted the best documented evidence that, often times, the true story is unrecognizable in the mainstream media and the minds of the American public. You’ll have the opportunity to view selected archival records, learn about some of the major players, and look into the truth and the fiction behind some the most compelling physical evidence cases on record. You’ll explore the history of government involvement in the investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena, the major policy decisions, and the why and how with regard to the government cover-up.