
Cheryl Costa – MUFON Symposium 2016

The Nationwide UFO Magnitude Study

New York State has had a unique history of UFO sightings, in fact it accounts for about 5% of the world wide sightings. Older sightings have been reported as word-of-mouth folk tales to deathbed confessions. In modern times, the reports of UFOs and strange aerial phenomena come to us as entries in national reporting data bases. While the older accounts are conveyed as narratives, the format of 21st century UFO sightings data lends itself to statistical analysis that can reveal evidence of surprising hot spots such as clustering around large bodies of water. Journalist and Playwright Cheryl Costa will share with you some of the amazing accounts and stories of UFOs that she’s reported in her popular weekly newspaper column “NEW YORK SKIES, along with a sneak peek of exciting new information from her research for her new book “UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States 2000 to 2015.”