John Brandenburg A Report From Mars: Does the path to extra-terrestrial disclosure lead through Cydonia Mensa?
The US Government has been investigating the planet Mars since the beginning of the Space Age. It has been discovered that the government expected to find intelligent artifacts on Mars when it formed NASA in 1958 and adopted a policy of suppressing public evidence of such artifacts. This expectation concerning Mars was apparently widely held in the government and dated from Percival Lowell and his predecessors, who viewed Mars as Earthlike and as having a fertile past. However, in the following decades, knowledge of Mars has increased enormously and data showing, in fact, that Mars had an Earthlike past, has strong evidence of biology- past and present, and even strong evidence for past intelligent activity, has been published. Given the sharing of this data with the public, even if by fits and starts, it now appears that Mars may have been chosen by the government as the venue for the epic public disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. The evidences for an Earthlike past, biology, a dead humanoid civilization and even the possible violent end of that culture, will be presented, as well as their relationship to reports from UFO-logy and dreams of the human future in the Cosmos.